About Us

About Us

Hello, my name is MJS (Manab Joti Sonowal) founder of Financetalk and I am an engineering graduate from NIT  (National Institute of Technology). Since my first year of college in 2014, I have been working as an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professional and also had started a startup.

Throughout my startup journey, I found myself in need of a lot of finance knowledge, which led me to study various finance-related topics and books. This interest in finance eventually led me to start a blog dedicated to finance topics, with a focus on delivering quality content in simple language.

In my blogging journey my fellow friends Anshuman and Priyanka, who both work in the banking sector – Anshuman at SBI and Priyanka at Punjab National Bank , has also joined me.

FinanceTalk is an independent platform that aims to provide honest and valuable content to readers interested in finance.

It’s dedicated to providing solutions to finance-related problems and do not provide content that conflicts with readers’ interests or products/services.

The goal of Financetalk is to deliver informative and helpful articles to those who wish to stay connected with us and expand their knowledge of finance on a daily basis.

Thank you for your interest in our blog.